Saturday, May 16, 2009

Are We Seeing A Slow (Or Not So Slow) Erosion Of Obama’s Campaign Promises?

This week has turned out to be quite a disappointment for us Liberals…

First, Obama has stated that he will try to block the justice department from releasing the horrific detainee abuse pictures in a recent ACLU court case that the judge mandated be released by the end of the month. Second, Obama late Friday nominated a well-known corporate lawyer, Ignacia S. Moreno to the post of Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division in the Department of Justice. Moreno is currently a corporate environmental counsel for Chevron, the top environmental polluter, and has helped in obstructing the clean up of several superfund sites. (See links below for more info).

How is this the change we asked for? The erosion of his campaign promises of transparency, the contraction of executive powers, and stringent regulations regarding corporate accountability and consumer protections are still going awry. Nevertheless, I will hold off on forming any concrete conclusions here, As yet, it has only been a few months since Obama has taken office, but I have to say that I am concerned with what we have seen so far. There were very clear promises he made to the American people regarding consumer environmental protection and reversals of the bush's war on terror; I hope he will commit to making these promises a reality otherwise, he will be regarded by his loyal followers as just another politician who used rhetoric and half-truths to get elected... This is not the hope I envisioned nor the change I am still seeking...

Obama Blocking Release of Detainee Photo's
Obama Naming Top Polluter Lawyer to DOJ Post