Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Response To Certain Liberals Losing Faith In Obama

This was my response to an email I received from a volunteer who felt Obama was selling out by moving to far into the center.

Dear Brad and Others Who Feel the Same Way:
I understand your frustration with Obama not coming out as liberal as we would all like. However, please, PLEASE don't lose sight of the importance of him becoming our next president. First, even though my political leanings are extremely left, I am also a pragmatist and believe that Obama needs to appeal to the center if he is to win this election.
The extreme liberal vote will not win the whitehouse, as we can see how many votes Kucinich received. As much as I would have liked to see a Kucinich get into the whitehouse, it's not practical when we have close to 50% of the country believing in such conservative ideology as to elect the Bush brand of politics.
Don't forget that close to 50% of the voters voted for Bush in the last 2 elections. If we the democrats are to win the white house back then we are going to have to appeal to the center of the political system. That is just a fact. Obama would be a fool to do anything other then that, and it is clear he is no fool.
With that said, have you seen the San Francisco Chronicle today? He is said to have come out AGAINST the amendment bill which would ban same sex marriage in California, by amending the state constitution. Now how is THAT the center of the political system? Also, regarding what is being said about his stance on the FISA bill, I believe we need to give Obama a chance to hear his argument. Don't be so quick to judge.
I still strongly believe, he is by far the most important political candidate we have ever seen certainly in my lifetime and possibly not since Lincoln (or ever) for three main reasons:
1. He refuses to take PAC money or special interest lobbying funds.
2. He strives to have a transparent campaign and when elected, a transparent government
3. He refuses to play dirty politics: will not smear other candidates and only focus on the issues at hand..
He is changing the political system at its core foundation. This election goes way beyond talking points or political issues of the day. When Obama wins in November, he will have a set a precedent for a new way of running for office and will set the stage for creating a new political system of government far beyond anything we have ever seen in the history of this country...AND THIS, for starters is why I have more FAITH in him and his political ideas then any candidates EVER!.
He is changing the political system at its core foundation. This election goes way beyond talking points or political issues of the day. When Obama wins in November, he will have a set a precedent for a new way of running for office and will set the stage for creating a new political system of government far beyond anything we have ever seen in the history of this country...
AND THIS, for starters is why I have more FAITH in him and his political ideas then any candidates EVER!
Would love to see your comments!

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