Friday, March 13, 2009

Comments on the Justice Department's Window Dressing of the Enemy Combatant Doctrine...

UPDATE: 6:25pm:
It's been three hours since my rant below. I have since calmed down and read the Justice Departments actual memos regarding detainees and enemy combatants. The language is extremely vague and says nothing of the implications of moving the jurisdiction of holding detainees to congress. However, there is a glimmer of hope as Obama has mandated that there be a complete review of all detentions and that this will take six months to complete.

Supposedly an independent team will relate its findings back to Obama and the Justice Department. We can only hope that this memo is just a very small first step in reclaiming our civil liberties. I still have faith in Obama, but we cannot be complacent. Please let him know how you feel by sending him posts on his website demanding that he keep his promise of upholding our constitution and protecting our civil liberties.

Would love to hear from you as well...

Send your comments here:

Earlier Post: 3:15pm

I just read this article on Check it out

Dropping the "Enemy Combatant Language"

We cannot continue Bush's Enemy Combatant Doctrine by dressing it up with new language and having Congress in charge....this is not what we had in mind when we voted for Obama in November! I am outraged and sickened...We have got to come together and fight this....

I had this to say in the comment section of the article after I read the post....

Well, I am sickened by what I have just much for doing
things differently. Same old thing just dressed up with new PC
language. We need to uphold all rights of people held in our jails,
otherwise how are we any different than our enemies. What allows us to
rise above the rest is our constitution and our moral and ethical
values. Without these we are no better than the ones who want to kill
us. Based on our constitution, We have no right to deny an individual
the right to habeas corpus that actually works; a speedy trial; be
charged in a timely manner and be allowed to address his/her accuser.

To detain an individual indefinitely in our prisons regardless of
whether they are a citizen or not or if they are held on U.S soil or
not violates our most fundamental rights. We have sunk to the level of
our enemies, as one interesting Libertarian, Jacob G. Hornberger,
commented; We have shifted from being "a Nation of Laws to a Nation of
Men"....Today is a sad day for liberty for all people of all walks of
life... The united States used to set the standard when it came to
civil liberties and the upholding of rights of all individuals....This
is an unconscionable precedent to continue to set for all people to
witness around the world. A sad, sad day indeed...

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