Friday, April 3, 2009

Comment sent to Obama Regarding Public vs. Corporate Lobbyists

I sent the following comment to President Obama last week after I read the following article:

Read The Article Here: Obama anti-lobbyist Policies

My Response and Comment To Obama Sent via the whitehouse website:
I am questioning the validity of not making a distinction between public lobbyists vs. corporate lobbyists and/ or special interest groups. To ban lobbyists who work in the public sector who for example help poor people get their basic needs met is counter-productive and quite frankly harmful to your presidency and to achieving your own administrations goals. Public interest lobbyists are quite different from the corporate and many special interests groups that have taken over Washington. I believe this policy needs to be updated, revised or waived to reflect this distinction.

Many of our most informed, and experienced policy people lobby with public interest groups. We need their talent, intellect and experience in your administration if you are to pull off your great and far reaching agenda. It's possible you may not even have to revise your lobbyist rules. You can add a clause in your waiver policy that creates a distinction between public and private lobbying thus allowing public sector lobbyists to work for your administration. Please read this article as it covers all the points I have made here and more regarding this issue much more eloquently...

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